Monday, August 1, 2011

Why You Shouldn't Get Excited Over Vita Release Dates

As many of you probably know two PS Vita release dates have been leaked. GameStop UK is saying September 1st and BlockBuster UK has it listed as October 28th. Neither release has been confirmed by Sony and I'm betting that neither is accurate for a few reasons: First off, GameStop's date places the release at only a month from today, which seems all too soon especially after the Vita only recently received a major hardware change (The RAM was cut in half). Also, it's hard to imagine that Sony wouldn't have announced it already if it was only a month away. As for BlockBuster's date, the site's integrity is hurt as they have Modern Warfare 3's release date falsly listed as 11/11/11. It would also be a bad decision on Sony's part to release their portable on the same day as Dice releases Battlefield 3, a highly anticipated title. Ah those crazy brits.

The Blockbuster UK site has changed their listing to TBA

When do you think the Vita will be released?


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